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Well-known by the popular sobriquet ‘milma’, Kerala Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation (KCMMF) was formed in 1980 as a state adjunct of the National Dairy Programme ‘Operation Flood’. It is a three-tiered organization. The farmer memberships that stood at 45000 during take over from the erstwhile KLD&MM Board during 1983 has grown to over 10.6 lakhs through 3102 milk Co-operatives by March 2024. These primary societies are grouped under three Regional Co-operative Milk Producers’ Unions viz TRCMPU for Thiruvananthapuram region, ERCMPU for Ernakulam region and MRCMPU for Malabar region. At the apex level KCMMF functions from the headquarters at Thiruvananthapuram.From the different units managed directly by KCMMF and the various units under regional unions MILMA produces and distributes pasteurized Vitamin – A enriched milk and various milk-based products as well as mango drink throughout the state. MILMA has been instrumental in achieving the national goal of self-sufficiency in milk production in the state.The goal of KCMMF is "The socio-economic progress of the dairy farmer through procuring, processing and marketing of milk". Still the goal is receding as Kerala enjoys one of the highest ranges of per capita milk consumption. KCMMF is totally content in the realization of this vision which was set before it. KCMMF has achieved the distinction in its performance by close association and bond with National Dairy Development Board, Animal Husbandry Department and Dairy Development Department of the State and Kerala Livestock Development Board.

A Success story on the Dairy scene in India during the sixties was the farmer-owned AMUL Co-operative in Anand (Kaira District, Gujarat) with is integrated approach to production, Procurement , Processing and Marketing on Co-operative line. Over the years, this evolved itself into a model, based on self rule by farmers ensuring maximum returns to them. This model came to known as ‘ANAND PATTERN’ . The efficiency of the Model was worth replication. Therefore, a dairy programme called “OPERATION FLOOD’ was launched in 1970 under the aegis of the National Dairy development Board (NDDB). NDDB functioned as the technical consultants and the erstwhile Indian Dairy Corporation as the funding agency. The ideology followed by “OPERATION FLOOD’ was the remunerative linking of rural milk producing centers with the urban demand centers so as to build up a viable diary industry. Kerala was included in the second phase of ‘Operation Flood’ (OF II 1980-1987). The eight southern districts from Trivandrum to Trichur were included in the are of the project which had a total outlay of Rs. 29 Crores. From 1980 KCMMF was involved in concentrated spearhead team activities, identification of potential milk collection aread, formation of milk Co-operatives and extension activities. MILMA came into its own on 1-4-1983 when it took over the revenue earning activities of Procurement and Marketing from the Govt. in April 1983. Encouraged by the response of OF II, the same areas were included in the third phase of ‘Operation Flood’ (OF III). This phase had an outlay of Rs.18 crores. The growing popularity of the concept of Co-operativisation Section has spurred the authorities into exploring new vistas. The uncovered northern areas from Palakkad to Kasargode were thus brought under the Co-operative umbrella with the inception of the NORTHE KERALA DAIRY PROJECT. This Project is funded by the Swiss Development Co-operation through the National Dairy Development Board. The Motto of Co-operation of “of the people, by the people and for the people” is foundation of the “three tier system” followed by the Organisation. The Power of the Producer members is felt right from the grass root village Co-operative Society to the Board governing the State leel Federation through this system of functioning. At the village level we have the Village Milk Co-operative Societies which have the local milk producers as its members. The Village Co-operatives unite at Regional level to form Regional Co-operative Milk Producers’ Unions. These Regional Unions later federate at the State level to form State Federation.The KCMMF operate on the truly democratic lines of "of the farmer, by the farmer and for the farmer. Milk procurement has shown a phenomenal growth from 52000 liters per day during 1983 to over 12.6 lakh litres per day in 2023-24. The average milk sales per day for the 2023-24 was 16.26 lakh liters.


To channelise marketable surplus milk from the rural areas to urban deficit areas to maximize the returns to the producer and provide quality milk and milk products to the consumers.

To carryout activities for promoting Production, Procurement, Processing and Marketing of milk and milk products for economic development of the farming community

To build up a viable dairy industry in the State

To provide constant market and stable price to the dairy farmers for their produce

Our Vision

To constantly strive to provide valued consumers with the highest quality milk, milk products and other products with the best standards of service by our passionate and focused work forces using state of the art technology ensuring sustained growth and simultaneously ensuring dairy farmers' delight by better realization of milk price and offering needed service at his/her doorstep.


We, at Milma are committed to produce and market quality milk, milk products and balance cattle feed at the lowest price possible to the satisfaction of customer in our fully automated Plants. To achieve this goal we plan and implement strict quality control management and continual improvement by use of good quality raw materials, strict manufacturing process, and by ensuring hygienic conditions to ensure our customers' satisfaction.

Our Mission

Our Mission is farmers' prosperity through consumer satisfaction.